1 min readJun 12, 2018


What wonderful words, thank you for your response. Yes, when I wrote this, I thought about all the people who do not have someone and how this article might resonate with them. I am in a healthy, happy relationship, so an evening alone is a great treat for me, but after writing this article, I reflected on times I have been alone.

When I have been single, I have yearned for interaction and that feeling is not lost on me. I think that I choose to be alone, even though I have many options to engage with others and that is a place of privilege.

I work with a lot of university students who tell me how lonely they are and it breaks my heart. I fully realize that my choice to be alone on a Friday is enjoyable to me because I have that person I can spend my other days with, but what would it be like if I did not have that?

Loneliness is a feeling I wish I could absolve from the world. It is a terrible state, to think that there is no one there for you, especially during times of needs, but even on the day to day.




I write about issues that are near and dear to my heart, with the hope that my stories, experiences, and struggles may empower others.