Ribbon Cutter Leaders

5 min readDec 28, 2018

Get my hands dirty? Not me!

Do tedious work, which no one will ever know I did? No thanks!

Photo op? Sure, I have time for that.

Speech at the opening event? Oh yes, I can definitely be there, with bells on!

I call these people ribbon cutters and I am sure we have all worked for or with someone like this or know someone like this personally.

This person, who is seemingly so passionate about a project, starts delegating away all the tedious tasks, monotonous research and heavy lifting to whomever they can. If they cannot skirt the work, they blame others, saying that others are impeding the process of the project by not helping.

They do not listen, they only talk and they are exhausting because they think they know everything. The sad truth is, the most ignorant person in the room usually thinks they are the smartest and typically speak the most.

Be wary of these people.

They walk around with a sing-songy voice and appear to always have good intentions, but looks are (always) deceiving. They try to charm you and try to kindly cajole you into doing things, even though you may be refusing, they will not stop until you succumb.




I write about issues that are near and dear to my heart, with the hope that my stories, experiences, and struggles may empower others.