The Person to Blame is You

Own Your Struggles and Fix Them Yourself



It is far too easy to play the blame game in life. So and so did this to you, therefore you are hindered in this way. So and so did not do this for you, therefore you are held back in another way. If you look hard enough, there is always someone else to blame for life’s mistakes, but no matter who is to blame for the way your life is, it is still your life, so you might as well take ownership of it.

It does not matter if someone owes you money, time or energy, if they never repay you, that alone is not an excuse to not move on and move up in life. In life, I have heard so many stories of how so and so did this to me, therefore this happened to me and that is the reason why I am here now. So what? Who cares? Does the person who did you wrong care? Probably not.

I could sit here and blame so many people for so many facets of my life, but it would not be true and even if it was it would not matter.

No matter where you are in life, no matter what age, bank account balance, occupation, educational level, relationship status, physical shape or mental well-being, you can always improve. Always. There is no expiration to improvement. You mind does not stop learning just because you have reached a certain age. Your body does not stop working, just because you have…




I write about issues that are near and dear to my heart, with the hope that my stories, experiences, and struggles may empower others.