I’m sorry you feel that I am victim-blaming, but I feel you are putting the author in a position she clearly has determined she is not:
“He is loving, affectionate, and supportive of me and my goals. He is, objectively, a catch.
He simply fails to see any of these domestic concerns as his problem — or even a problem.”
I feel it is rather presumptuous of you to think she is a victim, language she has not used herself.
The author also wrote a follow-up piece to the first article where she clearly articulated again that she is in a happy relationship.
Your solution that termination is the only answer is no better or worse than mine.
Perhaps my perspective made you feel that I was not on her side. I just feel that we have to take ownership of our lives and teach others how they are allowed to treat us.
I do not see the author as a victim, I see her as someone who has allowed a situation to grow into a mountainous problem, but I do believe that two people who love each other can be willing to work things out, improve their relationship and grow from a difficult situation.
Divorce sometimes is the only option, but for us to say to another person, that divorce is their only option is not our place, in my opinion.